Bagotville, GUYANA - As a result of COVID 19 hardship faced by people all over the world, as well as in Guyana and the economic backlash that is much felt by those in poorer communities and in the lower income bracket, Bagotville SDA Church and GUYDA has collaborated to bring economic relief through food hamper distribution.
The objective of the Food Hamper Distribution Project:
- To provide some form of relief to families that are affected by the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic as they cope with the struggles of everyday living.
- To bring hope to families so that they know that the church and organizations stands with
them in their plight.
- To bring hope in seemingly hopeless situations.
The response was one of gratitude. It became painfully aware that COVID 19 has impacted
the lives of all around the world, especially the poor in our communities. The needs are
great and overwhelming however, Bagotville SDA Church is committed to keep working in
these communities and greatly appreciate this collaborative effort with GUYDA for providing
the funds to accomplish this project.
With GUYDA’s sanction the next distribution date will be July 26, 2020.